Minggu, 17 Januari 2010


This stuff-maroon umbrella- belongs to my wife (an ace hardware product). Because too shabby, she didn't want to use it again. I asked her. then, I created more magic. but I think, became more shabby.
Yes, I am a lover of rain, like a lover's wife ...

(Hell is eux autres, acrylic on umbrella)

The Dead soul

(statue: my dead crow/crow preserved + miniature painting robo -basictoy from GGNW)
... I love the crow. I had a crow in 2002. My dad also like this crow and he most diligent to feed.
One day my crow found dead, with no known cause. I only know crows nervous before he died night before.
Me & my dad very sad. I do not want to bury. So I preserve it.
A few months later my father died, stroke & heart attack. All occurred in late 2005.
It is a sign of crows died, but I am less vigilant.
In deep grief so I made a sort of contemporary sculpture.
And I try include in a collective exhibition of toys in 2006, Jakarta.
Dedication to my beloved father...

"People once believed, that when someone dies,
a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead..."
-The Crow, 1994