Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Les Musique Sont Vampires (Music are vampires!)

I asked to paint murals with 5-meters board for a great musical event '2010 New Day'. My board side by side with one of the main music stage.
Me and my two assistants began to prepare the equipment, we attached the main visual. Then it ... heavy rain falls! My assistants went aside. I am just stunned silence.
Music from the stage show the band 'Efek rumah Kaca'. And when the song 'Hujan Jangan Marah/Rain Don't be Angry' sung, I move forward to my board again. Take acrylic paint and my brushes. Then start painting on wet board. The rain was still falling. Board added the paint and melted. but I dont care. I dont really give a damm care. This is my beautiful moments. I have to captured.

I paint without bringing any concept, and when the rain fell and I just ran it painted with the company of that song. I felt like singing lullaby to my baby. Because the lullaby's song always same 'Hujan Jangan Marah'...

(2010 NEW DAY: 'Langit Musik' Event. Powered by Telkomsel. Jan 30, 2010.
A private music events, bazaars and games. 16 line up of local musicians. With the concept of using 3 large transparent tents that emit light riveting)

Location: Langit Musik Event, SCBD SUDIRMAN, JKT

Minggu, 17 Januari 2010


This stuff-maroon umbrella- belongs to my wife (an ace hardware product). Because too shabby, she didn't want to use it again. I asked her. then, I created more magic. but I think, became more shabby.
Yes, I am a lover of rain, like a lover's wife ...

(Hell is eux autres, acrylic on umbrella)

The Dead soul

(statue: my dead crow/crow preserved + miniature painting robo -basictoy from GGNW)
... I love the crow. I had a crow in 2002. My dad also like this crow and he most diligent to feed.
One day my crow found dead, with no known cause. I only know crows nervous before he died night before.
Me & my dad very sad. I do not want to bury. So I preserve it.
A few months later my father died, stroke & heart attack. All occurred in late 2005.
It is a sign of crows died, but I am less vigilant.
In deep grief so I made a sort of contemporary sculpture.
And I try include in a collective exhibition of toys in 2006, Jakarta.
Dedication to my beloved father...

"People once believed, that when someone dies,
a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead..."
-The Crow, 1994